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Description Monokai Material is designed after the IDE theme of the same name. It features Git instructions in place of modifier texts, and uses the colors of the theme for its legends to give your keyboard the aesthetics of the code you might be writing with it. The Base kit covers a variety of standard and non-standard keyboard layouts, with the Extension kit further adding 40% layouts as well as ortholinear and ergonomic ones.
Now also available as V2 with Regular modifier legends!
Specifications - Made in Germany by GMK electronic design GmbH - Cherry profile (1-1-2-3-4-4) - Compatible with MX style switches - 1.5mm thick double-shot ABS plastic Disclaimers Kindly note that the kit images are of 3D renders and are for illustration purposes only. The final colors may differ slightly. Keyboard photos are real.
Keyboards are shown for demonstrative purposes only and are not included with the purchase of these keycaps.