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Description A second round for the set by Briano after being revived by vheissu and rayhhdailo.
GMK CYL Phantom 2 Specifications - Made in Germany by GMK electronic design GmbH - Cherry profile (1-1-2-3-4-4) (1-1-2-3-4-5 when using R5 addon kit) - Compatible with MX style switches - 1.5mm thick double-shot ABS plastic - Designed by Briano, revived for round 2 by vheissu and rayhhdailo
HIBI & Phantom 2 Novelty Keycap specifications - Produced by HIBI - Cherry profile Escape key (row 1, 1.00 units wide) - Compatible with MX style switches - Base made of anodized aluminium, top is PVD Gold coated brass with enamel infill
Regional Vendors Asia - iLumKB Canada - DeskHero China - zFrontier Korea - SwagKeys Oceania - DailyClack United Kingdom - proto[Typist] United States - NovelKeys Disclaimers Kindly note that the images are of 3D renders and are for illustration purposes only. The final colors may differ slightly.
Keyboards are shown for demonstrative purposes only and are not included with the purchase of these keycaps.