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Description Round two of the much liked Cherry-profile interpretation of a vintage Hall-efect keyboard by Micro Switch and one of very few sets made in full R0-1-2-3-4-5 Cherry profile.
GMK CYL ASCII II Specifications - Made in Germany by GMK electronic design GmbH - Cherry profile (0-1-2-3-4-5) - Compatible with MX style switches - 1.5mm thick double-shot ABS plastic - Designed by Oblotzky
Salvun × Oblotzky Industries / Omnitype Novelty Keycap - Made by Salvun - Cherry profile Escape key (row 1, 1.00 units wide). NOT AVAILABLE IN ROW 0!!! - Compatible with MX style switches - Made of Polycarbonate, dyed, enamel infilled
Disclaimers Keyboards are shown for demonstrative purposes only and are not included with the purchase of these keycaps.