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Description The NK65 - RFP Edition is a standard 65% ANSI layout keyboard with a hotswap PCB. The PCB is VIA compatible with per switch RGB lighting. The switches are south facing.
This will be fully assembled and comes with custom switches and keycaps. It includes a polycarbonate case, aluminum plate, PCB (same PCB as the NK65 v2 - Aluminum Edition), NK_ plate mount stabilizers, and silicone dampening material. Carrying case is also included.
The case is a translucent green color. The rubber feet will be black. The bottom of the case will have a UV printed topographic pattern. The included cable will be a standard coiled black USB C cable.
The included switches are either a recolor of the NK_ Silk Yellow switches (linear) which are translucent green with a white stem or Crystal Jades (clicky) which are translucent green with green stems. The Crystal Jade recolor is called Midnight Jade, and the Silk Yellow recolor is called Silk Emerald.
Keycaps will be dye-sub PBT in Cherry profile. They will come with an RFP logo novelty keycap as well as a topographic spacebar.
Modified Top Mount - Plate screws into top case, PCB screws into plate, and plate screws into the bottom case. This design allows for no visible screws once assembled.